My Prayer Page

Dear Sisters and brothers in the Gospel of Jesus;
The reason I am sharing my prayer request with you on this prayer page is that I have faith in the Holy Spirit to work through you for advancing Christs cause----the uniting togeher as equally yoked help meets, i.e., for two people finding/meeting someone special and coming together in holy matrimony. So, please allow me to share this prayer request with you about the desires of my heart, hoping that Jesus does answer prayer.
Well, the foremost desire of my heart is to demonstrate sacrifical service to the church as a duty to God. This, I do beleive includes uniting in holy matrimony with an 'equally yoked help meet' whomever she maybe. So...
I am praying to find/meet a lovely christian lady---the 'desires of my heart'---who is has the following qualities:
*Very Warmhearted, &
*Quite Peaceful, &
*Reasonably Energetic, &
* Temperant, &
* Benevolent, &
*Admiring, &
* Encouraging,  etC.
As for Social & physically...
* American ethnicity, &
* Politically reserved-family orientated, and pro-environmental health, or international health, &
* Caucasian/ caucasian indigineous racial constitution, & * White/light complexion, &
* Conservative christian (consceincous objector), &
* Stable health status or medical condition if any disabilities, handicaps, or limitations,
*& approximately 17-47 in childbearing ages (or middle age e.g., 30-40's), &
* Female with a female personality with psycho-hetero-sexual moral ethical values, without children/ zero natural born / live offspring-none,&
* Single, yet to marry.
Also, may she have...
* Colourful "hazel-to-brownish" eyes, &
* Angel-fine hair, &
* Slim heart-shaped face, &
* Nice nose and real cute "cupid" lips, &
* Thin neck, thin arms, thin legs, &
* Ectomorphic slender stature & habitus, &
* Small feet & small hands.
...and also, please pray for our protection, safety, and security for us before, during, and after we find/meet each other. I am praying and requesting prayer support that after we do find/meet each other that we can be healthy, happy, and life a life and lifesytle of health and happiness for a long long long time. Also, please pray that we can find/meet each other either both somehow volunteering for the same church program, or the same medical missionary project, or a church function with us both in attendence, and please pray for our health, happiness, and a long life in Jesus name.
Readying for Christ's Coming,